To find out the clinical characters and therapeutic effect of orbital apex syndrome caused by orbital pseudotumor. 目的探讨眼眶炎性假瘤所致的眶尖综合征的临床特点和治疗等。
Clinical analysis of optic nerve injury caused by epidural hematoma at orbital apex 眶尖部硬膜外血肿致视神经损伤临床分析
Objective To obtain clues for early diagnosis of the tumors in orbital apex and optic nerve. 目的探讨眶尖部及视神经肿瘤在眼球突出前的临床表现、影像学检查特征及临床诊断要点。
Micro-and sectional anatomical study of the orbital apex region 眶尖区显微解剖及断层解剖学研究
The study on the microsurgical anatomy of the transcranial anterolateral approach to the orbital apex region 眶尖区经颅前侧方手术入路相关的显微解剖和影像学研究
Methods: The data on 4 consecutive coronal sections from orbital apex to posterior globe were obtained. 方法:取眶尖至眼球后极4个连续冠状层面测量。
Methods A CT scanning was done for 30 adult cadaveric heads. The distance and angle of the lateral deviation from anterior nasal spine to the varial structures of the orbital apex, structures and the adjacent relationship of optic canal walls and the superior orbital fissure were measured. 方法随机选取30例成人尸头进行CT扫描,对前鼻棘至眶尖部各结构的距离、侧偏角、视神经管及眶上裂各径线长度、毗邻关系等进行断层影像解剖观测。
Early diagnosis of the tumors in orbital apex and optic nerve 眶尖部及视神经肿瘤的早期诊断
Results the medial approach was directed through the space between the superior oblique and the levator palpebrae superior muscles, which was selected for lesions located in the medial part of the orbital apex. 结果内侧入路是经上斜肌与提上睑肌之间的间隙,经此入路可切除眶尖区内侧病变。
Neurosurgical treatment of orbital apex mass 眶尖肿块的神经外科治疗
Objective To provide reliable anatomy data by sectional anatomy and imaging scans of the orbital apex for endoscopic operation of this region to reduce its complications. 目的通过眶尖部结构的断层影像解剖研究,为鼻内镜下眶尖部手术提供可靠的解剖学数据,减少手术并发症。
The mainly manifestation of orbital apex were early decreased visual acuity, slightly proptosis and edema or atrophy of optic cup, misdiagnosis was high in the early stage. 眶尖肿瘤主要表现早期视力障碍,轻度眼球突出,眼底视盘水肿或萎缩,早期易误诊。
Conclusion: The developing likelihood of optic neuropathy in Graves 'Ophthalmopathy patients can be evaluated through the measurements of orbital image which is situated in the middle from orbital apex to posterior globe. 结论:测量眶尖至眼球后极连线中点位置冠状面上眼球外肌的相关值可推断眼型Graves病人发生视神经病变的可能性。
Conclusion: MSCT and three dimensional rendering techniques is one of the best methods to study the morphology of orbital apex region in vivo. 结论:MSCT及三维显示技术是活体研究眶尖区形态大小的最佳方法之一。
Anatomy and Clinical Application on the Orbital Apex Transnasal Endoscopic Operation 与鼻内窥镜手术有关的眶尖区解剖及临床应用
Conclusion: Familiarity to the microanatomy and variance of ophthalmic artery and its branches will be beneficial for us to make correct diagnosis of the disease of orbital apex region and protecting the artery and its branches in operation. 结论:熟悉眼动脉的行径及其主要分支的正常解剖及变异,有利于眶尖区疾病的影像诊断和手术时避免损伤眼动脉及其分支。
Microsurgical anatomy of the region of the orbital apex and cavernous sinus 海绵窦-眶尖区的显微外科解剖研究
Conclusions The trochlear nerve should be protected through the space between superior oblique and the superior levator, rectus muscles into the optic and orbital apex. 结论经颅开眶,在上斜肌与上睑提肌、上直肌之间的间隙入路手术时应注意保护滑车神经。
Study of normal orbital apex with CT and MRI 正常成人眶尖的CT和MRI研究
Results: The maximal percentage ( 29% ± 4%) of orbital area occupied by EOMs 'areas was on the section which is in the middle from orbital apex to posterior globe. 结果:眶尖至眼球后极连线的中点位置冠状面上,眼球外肌面积之和占相应眶面积的比率最大,占29%±4%;
Microsurgical treatment of tumors in the cavernous sinus and orbital apex region 海绵窦眶尖肿瘤的显微手术治疗
By comparison of the imaging and the sectional anatomic data on the orbital apex, we can evaluate the accuracy and value of the CT scan in visualizing this region in detail. 并将所获得的眶尖部影像学资料与实体解剖观测数据进行比较,以评估该区域CT断层扫描的准确度及临床应用价值。
Objective To investigate the relationship of sphenoid disease and orbital apex syndrome and to improve the diagnosis of sphenoid disease. 目的探讨表现为眶尖综合征的蝶窦病变的诊断与治疗,以降低其误诊、漏诊的发生率。
Tumors in the orbital apex and surgery 眶尖部肿瘤及其外科治疗
Tolosa-Hunt syndrome is characterized by painful ophthalmoplegia due to a granulomatous inflammation in the cavernous sinus, superior orbital fissure or the orbital apex. Tolosa-Hunt综合征(THS)在临床上属于少见病,是由于海绵窦区(有时病变范围波及眶上裂甚至眶尖)非特异性炎性肉芽肿所致的痛性眼肌麻痹。
The diagnosis and therapy of the orbital apex tumors 眶尖部肿瘤的诊断与治疗
Methods The osseous structures from the region of the orbital apex were observed in 20 cases ( 40 sides) of dry adult cadaveric head specimens. 方法观测20例(40侧)成人干性头颅标本眶尖区骨性结构。
Methods Sixty-nine patients with orbital apex tumors were retrospectively analyzed. 方法回顾性分析69例经颅眶入路治疗眶尖部肿瘤病人的临床资料。
Methods Twelve patients with sphenoid disease manifesting orbital apex syndrome from 2000 to 2004 were retrospectively analyzed, especially the processes of both diagnosis and treatment. 方法回顾2000&2004年12例以眶尖综合征为主要表现的蝶窦病变的病例,分析其临床诊疗过程及误诊原因。
However, due to the impact of posterior ethmoid sinus, it is difficult to reach orbital apex and superior orbital fissure. 但由于后组筛窦的影响,眶尖和眶上裂则难以达到。